Hooker 2.70 (16 February 2012) * New About dialog; * Updated support email address; * Many strings were moved to resources; * Version history moved to a dedicated text file; * Added links to Wiki, Forum and Donate; * Capture of the process information is optional; * Fixed activation of auto save after manual save; * Added log emailing and uploading facility, via SMTP and FTP; * Ampersand "&" symbols are properly displayed in the password; * Enter key is no longer displayed with "" symbol; * Critical log size is replaced with maximum log size; * Text caret is hidden in the log window; * Fixed problem with getting process name in some cases; * Fixed problem with settings/log not being saved on shutdown; * General code cleanup and small cosmetic changes; Hooker 2.55 (16 May 2007) * Program captures the name of the process where keys were used; * Fixed problem with getting a user name, which caused a log file not to be saved if no user were logged in (Windows 9x); Hooker 2.50 (28 January 2006) * Supported logging of the Clipboard changes; * Added option to turn off logging of status messages; * Cut, Copy, Paste, Find, Save and Undo keys are also logged; * Added Log Viewer, allows browsing and searching through logs; * Fixed bug: last repeated key would not be captured in the log if program was terminated; * Username is written to the log file; * Updated graphical user interface; * Supported Windows XP Styles; * Expanded settings; * Small optimizations; Hooker 2.13 (25 January 2005) * Default INI settings filename is now constructed dynamically: .INI Hooker 2.12 (4 December 2004) * Memo Log always scrolls down to the last line (not performed when in Stealth mode); * Fixed bug: Password prompt was displayed when the HotKey is activated while Program is not in a Stealth mode; Hooker 2.10 (15 November 2004) * Restriction to run only one instance of an application; * Border style is changed to bsToolWindow; * Stabilized bootup sequence; Hooker 2.05 (13 November 2004) * Caption of the form is hidden in Stealth mode; * Fixed bug with logging key; Hooker 2.00 (10 November 2004) * Public version available - with no password: program shows it-self when started; * Stealth mode deactivated when HotKey is pressed, without Password prompt been called; * Password is displayed on Status tab, *Public version* text displayed in case of empty password; Hooker 1.70 (May 2004) * Ability to add/remove it-self to/from Autorun (uses Windows Registry, Admin rights required); * Key repetition handling; activated when key was pressed more then 3 times, write counter as prefix to a key; * Clear Log function -> deletes Log file, clears current Log, resets the timer for auto-save; Hooker 1.60 (April 2004) * Stealth mode is not activated if password was sent as a parameter to the program; * DLL's status and errors are loged; * Auto-save option for Log within the specified time interval; * IO errors are handled silently; Hooker 1.50 (March 2004) * System keys are handled: F1-12, Arrows, Insert, Delete, Win, Home, End, Pause, Escape; * If Main HotKey sequence Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 is used by another program, then try to register alternative: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ [F11 or F10 or F9]; * Application is terminated if HotKey could not be registered, in which case Application could never be brought back from Stealth mode; Hooker 1.40 (February 2004) * Log encryption implemented, "NOT" encryption algorithm, option can be turned off; * Stealth mode: program hides it-self when started; unhides when password is entered correctly in the prompt called by a global Hot-Key: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[F12, F11, F10, F9]; * Improved and cleaned up DLL (DLL size is only 16Kb now); * Status tab added; Hooker 1.20 (January 2004) * Log can be saved, and maximum file size specified; * Log is saved when program is closed; Hooker 1.00 (January 2004) * Implemented Global Key Hook;